Most international authorities recognize the existence of 194 countries in the world today and of those, DRD data includes parties from 185.
International commercial arbitration is indeed a universal methodology for dispute resolution. DRD is pleased to be the first and only entity to collect this informing data presently from 17 participating arbitration and mediation organizations, and then make it available for academic, legal and business use.
The data reposing in the DRD application describes the geographic regions and overall percentage of Claimants and Respondents who avail international commercial arbitration and mediation through administrative services delivered by the institutions who contribute their data on a regular and ongoing basis. The participating large numbers reveal not only the universality of the process, but also indicate the worldwide reliance on arbitration and mediation to resolve inter-state commercial disputes between private parties, as well as, between private parties and governmental entities.
The involvement of 95% of countries as parties in international arbitration and mediation strongly suggests that the global marketplace is dependent upon arbitration and mediation to ensure that business related promises will be kept – the very foundation of international commercial transactions.