DRD welcomes CNICA as newest contributor

Mr. D. Saravanan, Trustee

Data Contributor Spotlight - Mr. D. Saravanan, Council for National and International Commercial Arbitration (CNICA)

1.  How did you become aware of DRD and its mission to bring transparency to the field of international commercial arbitration?

CNICA  became aware of DRD through its active role in the global arbitration community. DRD is known for offering valuable data on arbitration cases worldwide, which aligns with the need for greater transparency in international arbitration.

2.  Why do you feel it is important for CNICA to be a part of this initiative?

Being part of the DRD initiative helps CNICA promote transparency, efficiency, and fairness in arbitration. By contributing data, CNICA helps build a comprehensive database that can improve arbitration practices and outcomes.

3.  Who do you think will benefit from the DRD database?

The DRD database benefits several groups:

- Arbitrators: To benchmark and improve their practices.

- Legal Practitioners and Law Firms: To inform strategies and predict outcomes.

- Academics and Researchers: To conduct research and develop best practices.

- Arbitration Institutions: To refine strategies and services.

4.  As data becomes more and more valuable to legal research, how does CNICA plan to use DRD for its own internal forecasting?

CNICA plans to use DRD data for:

- Case Trend Analysis: To forecast future dispute types and adjust services.

- Resource Allocation: To ensure the right resources are available for anticipated cases.

- Improving Efficiency: To identify and address process bottlenecks.

- Enhancing Services: To innovate based on user needs.

- Strategic Partnerships: To identify collaboration opportunities where demand is high.