Dispute Resolution Data’s software team works continuously to integrate user feedback into the DRD application, and strives to meet the needs of a dynamic, global field.
Thanks to continued feedback from our industry partners and end users, recent months have kept our software team busy. We are pleased to report on several enhancements that facilitate end user experience, broaden data collection methods, and focus on increased functionality.
Here are a few enhancements we have focused on over the last quarter:
One of our favorite enhancements has been to our Region filter. Selecting your desired region from the filter list now displays data from cases that have any involvement in that region. There are a number of data points that drive the improved region filter, including:
The country of the institution where the case was filed;
The country of arbitration claimant and respondents; and
The country of the mediation parties.
These filter improvements allow the end user to see all the region’s activity, including local parties that may utilize larger institutions outside of their native region. The filter preserves case confidentiality by displaying this data in aggregate; none are available as stand-alone data points.
Our data collection template continues to evolve, capturing new data on mediation outcomes and gender data with respect to arbitrators and mediators. With this new data, DRD will be able to expand its reports on data trends, and will add interactive elements to the application.
With your feedback, we have continued to refine and add helper text throughout the template to make the data entry process universally understood. For example, we have updated links to the 28 case type definitions used to categorize data.
Finally, we have been fortunate to work with top law schools across the globe, and look forward to welcoming their students and professors into our research family. Working with these institutions has driven us to develop solutions for institutions with multiple, simultaneous end users and create unique access and authentication methods for law school libraries.
Dispute Resolution Data will continue to seek opportunities to observe and spend time with our end users, listening and learning, to inform us of what data is important to you and how to report it best.