In this newsletter and on the DRD website, readers will find different professional settings and legal scenarios in "Data Stories" which illustrate how dispute resolution data can be used to address clarifications for clients, briefings and hearings strategy, cost budgets, locales, national court involvements and numerous other issues related to international commercial arbitrations and mediations.
For example, one story which focuses on pre-dispute clause drafting describes a French attorney whose client has won a contract to build a bridge in Canada. In preparation for drafting the pre-dispute clause, counsel has many issue avenues to explore including construction arbitration and mediation results in both North America and Europe, the success of counterclaims, the kinds of motions filed and permitted, and innumerable other significant process and strategy questions.
In the "Data Story" examples, one may 'filter on"a possible research topic and see a tailored research report (data).
We believe you will find "Data Stories" to be useful ways to look at multifaceted case related issues with new and relevant help in DRD data waiting to be availed.